25 March 2009
Mr Steve Lande
CEO Lungos
Dear Mr. Lalande
Thanks for your email requesting for meeting with TESS.
It is clear from its content that you are not addressing the various concerns that had been raised with regards to LUNGOS having no respect whatsoever for TESS in its various endeavours for the Community and by the Community.
In this context, I would like to let it be known to you and to all concerned that TESS does not need LUNGOS to clarify its organisation needs nor does it need LUNGOS to determine where TESS could be place to tap into some of the opportunities and benefits offered by LUNGOS network.
Reason being that through our evaluation as of late, we would be better off doing things that we do best without the help of LUNGOS. We are not looking for conditional love, in fact far from it.
As such TESS is at this point in time not in a position to meet with you and the chairman for whatever the reasons may be.
In January we issued a press release on the Enhancement of the Role of Civil Society for Nation Building in the New Millennium. To date there has been no response from LUNGOS to that effect.
Pursuant to that the following analysis will prove that there has been several exchanges between TESS and LUNGOS, with the latter always using the tricks of the trade to avoid providing concrete answers.
As such for the benefit of TESS, I am left with no choice but to let it be known to all NGOs what TESS has had to put up with as a result of LUNGOS Actions and or/Inaction.
Subject: Report of the Launching of the Capacity Building Development and Training of Thematic Sector for all Non-State Actors
It will be recalled that on 18th March 2009, I wrote to you on the above-mentioned subject and on other related issues requesting for clarifications, the aim of which was to further enhance co-operative endeavors between LUNGOS and Civil Society Organisations in general. (Copy of letter in question is herewith attached for easy reference).
Without even taking a little time to address the pertinent issues raised therein, you immediately replied and I quote I am sure there are some misunderstanding somewhere. It always happens. We can meet and address all the points for clarification.
With regards to issues pertaining to the ACTS, as if to get me to shut up, you went on to state there can be demand for paid talents and skills like yourself, within ACTS. Let us know if you wish to be part of it unquote.
In my reply to you, you were requested to clarify the misunderstanding in writing for our records as per our Modus Operandi. You were also informed that your invitation regarding the demand for paid talents and skills, it can only be given the consideration it rightfully deserves only after the misunderstanding in question have been clarified and acceptable solutions found, for the integrity of TESS had been violated over and over again and that we had been deeply hurt emotionally, psychologically and not the least intellectually.
A full week has already passed since our last communication and since I never heard from your high office as yet, I am left with no choice, but to bring this particular issue in the open, whereby the whole Civil Society Community and all others concerned are made aware what has been going on behind closed doors, between LUNGOS and TESS.
Maybe it has escaped your attention, but LUNGOS is meant to and should operate on the same lines as the United Nations Organisation. For it can only exist because of its members and not the other way around.
LUNGOS is a liaison unit for the benefit of Civil Society Organisations, but not as a supreme power which tends to impose its will on the organisations it is meant to serve, more often that not without their consent.
For example, commissions after commissions are being created left, right and centre without broad consultations and acceptance.
The Academy of Civil Society (which is made up of highly paid staff) has been imposed on us without our knowledge. Where is the money to run the Academy coming from? We need to know.
Documents being produced by LUNGOS supposedly for our benefits are nothing else but shallow, with no vision, no direction, and no in depth analysis and worst still without projected outcomes.
In sort Civil Society Organisations are treated like subjects at the beck and call of LUNGOS whose agenda is far from being transparent, let alone accountable.
Furthermore, we have been made to understand that Our Civil Society structure is being used as a launching pad for political gains and related ambitions and that the Academy of Civil Society has been created to rival the Seychelles University Foundation, due to long outstanding rift between two highly recognised intellectuals.
The list is long whereby the many related issues will have to be addressed under separate cover, over time during the course of 2009.
And TESS is of the view that LUNGOS is presently being turned into nothing else but an Academic Institution, at a time when all Civil Society Organisations are highly preoccupied with their own sustainable livelihood, trying to make ends meet, with no time for classroom sessions, with minds elsewhere, while the faculty is making a bundle out of others setbacks.
The time for all of us to be on the field helping the weak, the less fortunate and the most vulnerable is now, but it in our view it is surely not the time to indoctrinate the same people with false hope for the benefit of individual.
Today therefore I demand an explanation from LUNGOS on the issues raised in my letter of 18th March 2009, failing that I will continue to act in this direction until I do get an acceptable reply, for TESS is not an organisation to be sidelined or taken for granted.
In conclusion, while TESS may be a New NGO and a new member of LUNGOS, through his 31 years diplomatic career, including fourteen years at the United Nations, he has had far and wide experience as to what exactly NGOs are all about and what should be the exact Role of umbrella organisations such as LUNGOS.
Today therefore I would like to simply request LUNGOS to get its act together first, to be transparent, accountable to the Civil Society Organisations it represents and then will we be able to consider its offer.
I hope the above clarifies the matter and once your response is acknowledged and action taken, we can talk business.
Finally since TESS does not need any form of favouritism from LUNGOS, we are left with no choice but to call on the organisation to set up an open forum, whereby all of us will be able to share ideas and set the tone for better co-operative endeavours between LUNGOS and Civil Society Organisations.
P. O. Box 436, Victoria, Mahe, Republic of Seychelles
Telephone: (248) 722471 / 323347
Email: marcmarengo@hotmail.com, lcnurseries@seychelles.net,
Blog: http://ecotourismseychelles.blogspot.com/