Friday, April 17, 2009
Re-Activating the Eco-Tourism process
Measure No. 4 of 25 (In no particular order)
“Turning Possibilities into Realities”
Cultural Tourism – Adding More Value
Article 2 of the Global Code of Ethics of the World Tourism Organization UNWTO states and I quote:-
“Tourism, the activity most frequently associated with rest and relaxation, sports and access to culture and nature, should be planned and practised as a privileged means of individual and collective fulfilment, when practised with a sufficiently open mind. It is an irreplaceable factor of self education, mutual tolerance and for learning about the legitimate differences, between peoples and cultures and their diversity”.
Consequently, it is further evidence that “Travel for purposes of religion, health, education and cultural or linguistic exchanges are particularly beneficial forms of tourism, which deserve encouragement”.
In this respect “tourism policies and activities should be conducted with respect for the artistic, archaeological and cultural heritage, which they should protect and pass on to future generations”.
“Particular care should be devoted to preserving monuments, shrines and museums as well as archaeological and historic sites which must be widely open to tourist visits”.
“Encouragement should be given to public access to privately – owned cultural property and monuments, with respect for the rights of their owners, as well as to religious buildings, without prejudice to the normal needs of worship”.
“Tourism activity should be planned in such a way as to allow traditional cultural products, crafts and folklore to survive and flourish rather than causing them to degenerate and become standardized”.
“Local population should be associated with tourism activities and share equitably in the economic, social and cultural benefits they generate and particularly in the creation of direct and indirect jobs resulting from them”.
In my view what we are talking about here is the recognition of the concept of Modern Tourism, where success is measured not just in terms of Tourism income but also by the application of environment and society conscious approaches.
Our task therefore, is to continuously encourage travel that is not only exciting and enjoyable but above all that educates travellers to ways they can help preserve the multi ethnic, multicultural and multifaceted society of the unique Seychelles Islands of ours.
Marc MRM Marengo
Monday, April 13, 2009
Eco-Tourism and the Important Question of Sustainability
Measure No. 3 of 25 (In no particular order)
The long-term economic future of our tourism industry
and the health of our natural eco-systems depend on
a firm commitment of the Eco-Tourism market.
In an age of so little left, how much is enough and how much must we protect to guarantee the long-term survival of our bio-diversity, our culture, our history and our “raison d’être”?
Of course today, to most travellers of taste and intelligence, the standard vacation trip has frequently become, at best a crushing bore, at worst a horror, a nightmare. For all over the world, small-minded entrepreneurs, urged by profits, have nullified the charm, complexity and distinctive qualities of numerous leading destinations.
How under these most unfortunate prevailing circumstances, can a self-respecting, intellectually curious, spirited individual continue to travel? The answer lies in a new approach, using new modes of travel, in search of learning. The key objective is to experience events, lifestyles, attitudes, culture, political outlooks and theological views utterly different from what the traveller ordinarily encounters at home.
The question therefore, is unless that happens, why travel? Why endure the fatigue of transportation and its associated burdens, just to reach a replica of your familiar surroundings? Thus unless vacation travel is a learning experience, unless it leaves the traveller a bit different than when it all began, it is in my view a pointless physical exercise.
That is why eco-travel is today the fastest growing segment of the travel industry. That is why we in Seychelles are continuously contributing to this growth and broadening the appeal of eco-travel by increasing consumer awareness and beautifully presenting the extraordinary array of eco-travel options that are available.
The term “eco-travel’ is really an umbrella term for a variety of travel industry segment including adventure, heritage, culture, educational, altruistic (volunteer) as well as active sports, all tied together by an emphasis on fun, environment sensitivity and social responsibility.
Our task therefore, is to continuously encourage travel that is not only exciting and enjoyable but above all that educates travellers to ways they can help preserve the earth and our host culture. In doing so we are fully conscious that it is impossible to evaluate the role eco-tourism can play in both conservation and local development scenarios, unless it is clearly understood as a business that is part of the larger tourism business community.
PS: Excerpt from an Article Entitled: “Eco-Tourism and the Important Question of Sustainability” By Marc MRM Marengo, published in the magazine Tourism in Progress. For the Tourism Week 2000
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
From TAREC to TESS – the process…

Anse Royale gears up for Ecotourism
It is now four years since The Anse Royale Ecotourism Committee was set up as part of the process of implementing ecotourism in districts as outlined in strategy document Vision 21.
However, it wasn't until last year when former Seychelles Ambassador to the UN, Mr. Marc Marengo took over the chairmanship of the committee that it became really active.
Very soon now, Mr. Marengo will go one step further and integrate TAREC within the broader spectrum of The Ecotourism Society of Seychelles (TESS).
The forming members registered TESS last year and have programmed its official launching to take place later this year. The wider aim of TESS is to develop ecotourism in Seychelles in all the districts, not just Anse Royale, but as the structure there is already in place, it will be the starting point.
Well known for his growing of exotic flowers which he sells to the local community, Mr. Marengo is through TESS taking his dream of bringing ecotourism to the community, through projects by the community itself for the community. Together with his family he has already dedicated an important stretch of prime land in the Anse Royale district to this project, which when completed will entail not only an amazing garden, a beach front full of activity, as well as a nursery but also a real live community which is earning a living from ecotourism.
Turning possibilities into realities, is the motto of TESS and through it Mr. Marengo sees the full positive exploitation of the tourism potential of Anse Royale and Seychelles.
To put action to his words, Mr. Marengo has donated the site where the headquarters of TESS will be, which is right in the middle of the project he has baptized Les Canelles II. In a similar charitable vein, his neighbours have also agreed to give parts of their land for a car park and for further extension of the garden now fondly referred to as Les Canelles I. The headquarters will boast of many features other than just the usual offices. It will have its very own garden centre, from where interested parties will be able to buy farming equipment and seeds. It will also boast of its very own amphitheatre where cultural activities will take place as part of giving visitors the ultimate experience and Seychellois a great venue for those so well loved, 'bal asosye'.
Mr. Marengo says that they will also be looking into the possibility of offering visitors light refreshment like Citronelle tea, but that so far they have shied away from the notion of a cafeteria/restaurant style venture, as this might be too commercialised. Mr Marengo says that the whole idea which forms part of the Ecotourism Pilot Projects for the Anse Royale District termed PP33, will bequeathed to the Seychellois people.
Ecotourism Pilot Projects for the Anse Royale District - PP33 - the blueprint!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Re-Activating the Eco-Tourism process
Measure No. 2 of 25 (In no particular order)
In his Interview with Isola Bella of September 2006 entitled “My Priority Is To Speed Up Development In The Districts” PRESIDENT JAMES ALIX MICHEL said and I quote:-
“More of our people have been introduced to entrepreneurship, and I expect that in the next few years we will have a bigger pool of successful businessmen in small, medium and big industries, as well as cottage industry. I want our people to participate directly in wealth-generating activities and, at the same time, benefit from a share of the profits. I want the Seychellois to be a nation of share-holders”.
In response together let us reactivate the PROCESS, in enabling the Ecotourism Niche to develop hand in hand with the prevailing overall tourism product developments and in line with the fast ongoing socio-economic developments.
In so doing we will be able to enrich the tourism industry itself further so as to provide still more Community Benefits for all, in ensuring a brighter future for our children.”
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Turning Possibilities into Realities_2
Mr Steve Lalande
P O Box 885
In his communication of 25th March 2009, the Chairman of LUNGOS emailed to the Chief Executive Officer Lalande and copied to me stating and I quote:-
“Let’s not waste anymore time. TESS will have to “catch up with the commission” as it moves along. But for now, LUNGOS can only help to jump start the small capacity building project if he still wants to go ahead with it. I even wonder if it fits in with our definition of an NGO or is it not more a self-employment project”.
Today I wish to inform LUNGOS and one and all concerned that since TESS as a full Member of LUNGOS has been “slapped right in the face” by the chairman of our organisation whereby revealing his real ulterior motives with regards to TESS and as a result the various other related concerns stipulated in our communications of 6th , 18th and 25th March 2009 whereby concrete answers are still being awaited, TESS is left with no choice but to decline what could be considered as a “tainted” offer by giving one month’s notice taking effect as from today 1st April 2009.
Further as I have said before the 9th EDF Admin Process for NGO’s as follows is like going on “a Mary-go-round in Jurassic Park” getting more confused, day by day, and at times dizzy; surely not for 25 thousand rupees that we do not have, but still have to spend, so as to be reimbursed later by LUNGOS. The SR 5,000 that LUNGOS is now offering as “head start” so as to try and patch up “whatever” has no appeal to TESS ‘whatsoever’....
However I would like to inform one and all concerned that TESS will as soon as possible embark on its very own Advocacy Programme as envisaged in its Strategic Plan for 2008-2013 without the 9th EDF and we shall as usual keep one and all well informed of developments. It is to be noted when I left the Office of the Vice-President on 1st June 2008, I clearly stated my future Plans. I made a solemn promise to the elected leaders of my country and my people to focus my attention on Environment and related Ecotourism issues and our drive to date has proved that we indeed have a Mission to accomplish for the Community and by the Community. And we will succeed regardless....
Transparency and Accountability
TESS Blog Spot – TESS has a Plan – do you? Where is it...?
In response to the chairman’s uncertainties as to whether or not TESS “fits in with LUNGOS definition of NGO”, I would like to request one and all concerned to visit our blog spot: on a daily basis for updates on TESS, its origin, where we are at today and our plans for the future...for we do have a PLAN.... There are also ‘jokes’ and ‘titbits’ on there to lighten ‘the spirit for God’s given gifts of life’ which have to be cherished to the fullest every day.
In the meantime, since we are New in the fray and in addition to the clarifications that we have already asked from LUNGOS Secretariat TESS would be grateful to receive the following documents for our evaluation and appropriate action where necessary. Excuse our ignorance but WE DO NEED TO KNOW more what our “umbrella” organisation is all about. For after all TESS is a full paid Member of the organisation and needs to be kept abreast of what’s going on for its contribution and support.
In no particular order:
LUNGOS definition of an NGO – most important.
LUNGOS Constitution.
Report on the last Annual General Meeting.
Return of expenditure for the year 2008/Audited accounts e.g. what has happen to “a bonus of Aid of more than 1.5 Million Euros in the 2007-2008 period as part of the incentives to stimulate the working together of Government and Civil Society which the Government had signed for with the European Union”.
Strategic Plan/Programme of work for 2009 – 5 Year Plan, if any.
Sources of funds/donor agencies, assistance provided thus far for the benefit of Civil Society Organisations.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Government and Non Government Organisations (NGO’s) in Seychelles.
Board Members of LUNGOS, their Terms of Reference, Honorarium, perks etc.
Elected members of the various newly established Commissions – duties and responsibilities and perks.
Full Reports on all the travels that the officials of LUNGOS have undertaken in 2008 to date.
Faculty Members for the Academy of Civil Society, plus their CVs, and conditions of employment/remunerations, perks etc... LUNGOS seems to be running a marathon right now on this issue....spend...spend... spend... it’s getting late...
The list of courses/training plus proposed curriculum and names of facilitators being provided by the Academy of Civil Society, the timetable and your Target Audience.
Staff members of the Secretariat, contact numbers and contracts.
Date for the next General Meeting, plus Agenda if any.
Open Forum for Sharing of Ideas by Civil Society Organisations as called for by the Seychelles Head of State, imperative and necessary for the Enhancement of that “Third Pillar”??? If and when to happen...
Written replies to our various communications/request for clarifications.
And all other information you deem necessary so as to enlighten the ignorance of TESS “THIS NEW KID ON THE BLOCK”.
TESS is of the view that for the benefit of transparency and accountability, LUNGOS should have all this information readily available for the benefit of All its NGO Members. Since the World Body the United Nations Organisations to which I had the privilege of representing my Country and my People for 14 years operates in an open and transparent manner, there is no reason for the secretariat of LUNGOS to operate otherwise for we do live in the information age, upon which peace, progress and prosperity is heavily dependent upon. Thus let us all act accordingly and swiftly for the benefit of all but not just LUNGOS.
In anticipation of a favourable reply soonest.